Curious Explorers
What’s haunting the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park ?
Are orbs ghostly phenomena or mere camera artifacts?
Can what we do in the future influence the past?
How are precognition and retrocausation connected?
Do the same psychological principles apply to both the living and the dead?
Did Abraham Lincoln foresee his own death?
Join historian Kathy Kelly, proprietress of The Paranormal Museum, and psychologist Traci Stein as they explore the evidence for - and against - a paranormal explanation for all things mysterious, historical and most of all - paranormal.
[Theme song, "The Paranormal is Real" by Leonell Cassio, used with permission.]
26 episodes
Getting Paranormal with Kathy Kelly (via Unpacking Possibility with Dr. Traci Stein)
In this special collaboration with "Unpacking Possibility," Traci interviews Kathy about all things paranormal!~~~~~~Have you ever had a dream that later came true? Experienced, “mother’s intuition?” Sensed the presence...

Director Marty Stalker, Part II: Father Malachi Martin, the Rite of Exorcism, and More
In Part II of the interview with Marty Stalker, director of "Hostage to the Devil," Marty does a deeper dive into controversial exorcist, Father Malachi Martin; demonic possession; and the paranormal phenomena that he continues to e...
Season 1
Episode 25

Director Marty Stalker on 'Hostage to the Devil': Part I
In this episode of Curious Explorers, we’re joined by Marty Stalker, the director of the documentary 'Hostage to the Devil,' which explores the life of Jesuit priest and exorcist Malachi Martin. Marty reveals his 6-year journey making the film,...
Season 1
Episode 24

Angel, Demon or Spirit Guide?
Did the Ouija board help a woman find her soul mate? Are otherworldly advisors inherently “good” or could they be something more sinister? And who’s our special guest on an upcoming episode of Curious Explorers?For answers to t...
Season 1
Episode 23

Mind Vs. Matter: Energy Healing and More
Can our intentions affect matter? Why do words seem to reshape water crystals? Can energy healers make mice live longer or kill cancer cells? And if our thoughts and intentions are powerful, could this be dangerous? In this episode of Curious E...
Season 1
Episode 22

Seances, Reincarnation & Krampus is Coming to Get You…
What weird stuff do the dead share with Kathy during the Asbury Park seances? Is a fan’s little boy really a reincarnated old man? And what happens if you’re on Krampus’s naughty list? (Hint: it’s not pretty.) We cover these topics, the upcomin...
Season 1
Episode 21

Demons, Thought Forms, & Psi, Oh My!
What happened while Kathy was in Transylvania? Are spirits aware we're aware of them? What did negative entities show Traci? Is Santa Claus actually a living thought form? Join the Curious Explorers for this week's chilling catch u...
Season 1
Episode 20

Bridey Murphy and the Case for Reincarnation
Is reincarnation real? On this episode, Kathy and Traci seek to unravel the mystery of Bridey Murphy, a story that captivated the world in the mid-1950s and sparked a global conversation about reincarnation and past life regression.<...
Season 1
Episode 19

Shadow Figures: Soul Eaters, Dark Fairies & Ghostly Guests
Are shadow figures real? Are they always negative? In this episode, historian Kathy Kelly shares her take on shadow figures across cultures, including the Celtic malevolent fairy, Fear Dorcha, the Choctaw “soul eater” known as Nalu...
Season 1
Episode 18

Alien Abduction! The Travis Walton Case
Did aliens abduct Travis Walton in 1975? In this episode, Kathy & Traci discuss the infamous "Travis Walton UFO Abduction" case, alien abduction lore in general, the reported “4 types of aliens” (some of them not so nice...)...
Season 1
Episode 17

The Rabbit Hole Experience: Michael Robartes on Sasquatches, Spirits & the Paranormal
Traci interviews author and paranormal investigator Michael Robartes about his book (with Paul Conroy), "The Rabbit Hole Experience: Saquatches, Spirits and the People Who See Them." In this episode, Michael shares ...
Season 1
Episode 16

Haunted Headlines!
What do Stormy Daniels, a tentacled terror, weight loss, and a haunted doll have in common? They're just some of the creepy headlines we dissect on this episode of Curious Explorers!For more on Kathy Kelly and the Paranormal Museum and ...
Season 1
Episode 15

10 Scariest Movies of All Time!
It’s that spookiest time of year again! So, Kathy and Traci are counting down to Halloween with what are arguably the season’s most chilling films. So grab your popcorn (and maybe a protection amulet). And let us know your picks for most fright...
Season 1
Episode 14

Hans Holzer: Professor of the Paranormal
In this episode, Kathy and Traci do a deep dive into the life and legacy of Hans Holzer, prolific author, scholar, and pioneering figure in paranormal investigation. Holzer worked with noted mediums, investigated famous cases (including the Ami...
Season 1
Episode 13

Demons & Deliverance
In this Curious Explorers episode Demons & Deliverance, hosts Kathy and Traci dive into the chilling real-life events that inspired the film The Deliverance. They explore the haunting case of demonic possession that shook ...
Season 1
Episode 12

Hostage to the Devil
In this week’s episode, Traci and Kathy get curious about a case of demonic possession that’s documented in Father Malachi Martin’s bestselling book, “Hostage to the Devil.” In the case in question, a young woman named “Marianne” exhibit...
Season 1
Episode 11

Did You Hear That? Clairaudience, Spirit Messages & Psychic Dogs
What do Thomas Edison, Joan of Arc, Mike Pence, spiritualists, and Traci's dogs have common? They've all reportedly experienced clairaudience, or psychic hearing. (Chances are you have, too!) In this, our 10th episode, Tr...
Season 1
Episode 10

Psychedelics, Psychic Abilities & Spiritual Transformation: Part 2 with Sean McNamara
Tune in as Sean McNamara details his year-long research into how psychedelics like psilocybin, LSD and more impacted his psychic perceptions. We also discussed meditation, spirituality, and when someone should steer clear of both meditation and...
Season 1
Episode 9

Psychedelics, Psychokinesis & Psychic Phenomena with Sean McNamara (Part 1)
Author, counselor, and spiritual seeker Sean McNamara talks about what led him to sharpen his psychic skills and learn to move objects with his mind(!) Sean shared how his path led him away from organized religion w...
Season 1
Episode 8

Controlled Remote Viewing with Sgt. Lyn Buchanan
Sgt. Lyn Buchanan, one of the original Stargate military remote viewers, sits down with Traci and discusses everything from:-The US Government's secret spying program-What a ninja got out of remote viewing training-The r...
Season 1
Episode 7

What’s Haunting Kathy Kelly?
What’s haunting Kathy Kelly and the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park? Is it the Bride and Groom, whose 100-year-old wedding attire has been observed moving? (that’s what I said)Is it the death mask of young Madeleine, the Frenc...
Season 1
Episode 6

Retrocausality: Can the Future Affect the Past?
Can a future event change the past? If we see the answers to an exam after we’ve taken it, can this help us get a higher score? In this episode, Traci and Kathy dive deep into retrocausality, which refers to how a future event or acti...
Season 1
Episode 5

Can We Foretell the Future? The Precognition Episode
What do Abraham Lincoln, Sharon Tate, Edgar Allan Poe, the Marvel Universe, and the Big Bang Theory have in common? They all beg the question – can we foretell the future? And if so, can we change it? In this episode, we f...
Season 1
Episode 4

The Orbs Episode!
What’s the deal with orbs? Are they evidence of ghosts or other paranormal phenomena? Or nothing more than photographic anomalies caused by dust, moisture, pollen or (eww!) insects? Join historian Kathy Kelly and psychologist Traci Stein ...
Season 1
Episode 3

The Jersey Devil - Everything You Wanted to Know!
Kathy and Traci were live at the Jersey Devil Fable Festival in Asbury Park, NJ! Our resident historian (Kathy) shed light on the origins of the Jersey Devil and shared some lesser-known facts about him. She also discussed his importance in his...
Season 1
Episode 2