Curious Explorers
What’s haunting the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park ?
Are orbs ghostly phenomena or mere camera artifacts?
Can what we do in the future influence the past?
How are precognition and retrocausation connected?
Do the same psychological principles apply to both the living and the dead?
Did Abraham Lincoln foresee his own death?
Join historian Kathy Kelly, proprietress of The Paranormal Museum, and psychologist Traci Stein as they explore the evidence for - and against - a paranormal explanation for all things mysterious, historical and most of all - paranormal.
[Theme song, "The Paranormal is Real" by Leonell Cassio, used with permission.]
Curious Explorers
Seances, Reincarnation & Krampus is Coming to Get You…
What weird stuff do the dead share with Kathy during the Asbury Park seances? Is a fan’s little boy really a reincarnated old man? And what happens if you’re on Krampus’s naughty list? (Hint: it’s not pretty.) We cover these topics, the upcoming “Dead of Winter” with Kathy & TV’s Adam Berry, the Jersey Devil Fable Festival, scary dreams, and much more on this episode of Curious Explorers!
For more information on the Curious Explorers show and to support the podcast, visit: https://curious-explorers.com/
For more information on Kathy Kelly, the Paranormal Museum, the original Asbury Park seances, ghost tours, “Dead of Night” and more, visit: https://paranormalbooksnj.com/
For more on Traci Stein, her psychic development class, audios, and more, visit: https://www.drtracistein.com/
(A special thank you to Danielle for sharing Tucker's story and the idea for making milk pie!)