Curious Explorers
What’s haunting the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park ?
Are orbs ghostly phenomena or mere camera artifacts?
Can what we do in the future influence the past?
How are precognition and retrocausation connected?
Do the same psychological principles apply to both the living and the dead?
Did Abraham Lincoln foresee his own death?
Join historian Kathy Kelly, proprietress of The Paranormal Museum, and psychologist Traci Stein as they explore the evidence for - and against - a paranormal explanation for all things mysterious, historical and most of all - paranormal.
[Theme song, "The Paranormal is Real" by Leonell Cassio, used with permission.]
Curious Explorers
Director Marty Stalker, Part II: Father Malachi Martin, the Rite of Exorcism, and More
In Part II of the interview with Marty Stalker, director of "Hostage to the Devil," Marty does a deeper dive into controversial exorcist, Father Malachi Martin; demonic possession; and the paranormal phenomena that he continues to encounter when speaking on these topics. In fact, you’ll hear some of the strange audio interference we experienced while recording; and in the YouTube version, you’ll get another glimpse of the type of light anomaly that punctuated the interview.
Marty also discusses his conversations with notable personalities like Malachi Martin’s staunchest critic, Robert Blair Kaiser; radio legend Art Bell; Malachi Martin’s confidant, Ralph Sarchie; Father Cesar Truqui, and more.
Finally, Marty shares details on his upcoming sequel to the documentary, “Hostage to the Devil.”
Tune in for an intriguing conversation about filmmaking and one of the Catholic church’s most enigmatic and polarizing figures.
(And catch the YouTube version to see some of the visual anomalies that occurred during the interview: https://www.youtube.com/@CuriousExplorersShow)
For more on Marty Stalker and the “Hostage to the Devil” podcast, visit:
For more on Kathy Kelly and the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park, NJ, as well as ghost tours, investigations, the Jersey Devil Fable Festival and other events, visit: https://paranormalbooksnj.com/
For more on Traci Stein, her guided hypnotic imagery, upcoming events, and her other podcast, “Unpacking Possibility with Dr. Traci Stein,” visit: https://www.drtracistein.com/