Curious Explorers
What’s haunting the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park ?
Are orbs ghostly phenomena or mere camera artifacts?
Can what we do in the future influence the past?
How are precognition and retrocausation connected?
Do the same psychological principles apply to both the living and the dead?
Did Abraham Lincoln foresee his own death?
Join historian Kathy Kelly, proprietress of The Paranormal Museum, and psychologist Traci Stein as they explore the evidence for - and against - a paranormal explanation for all things mysterious, historical and most of all - paranormal.
[Theme song, "The Paranormal is Real" by Leonell Cassio, used with permission.]
Curious Explorers
Did You Hear That? Clairaudience, Spirit Messages & Psychic Dogs
What do Thomas Edison, Joan of Arc, Mike Pence, spiritualists, and Traci's dogs have common? They've all reportedly experienced clairaudience, or psychic hearing. (Chances are you have, too!) In this, our 10th episode, Traci and Kathy discuss both historic and personal experiences of auditory psychic phenomena - some of which have been LOUD. They also discuss recent research into hearing "spiritually significant voices," spooky stuff at Traci's house, how Kathy knows when she's not just hearing things, what makes skeptics "religious," and much more.
(For bonus historic and personal visuals, check out the YouTube version https://www.youtube.com/@curiousexplorersshow.)
For more on Traci's newest album, "Cultivating Intuition: Developing Clairaudience," visit: https://hemi-sync.com/product/cultivating-intuition-developing-clairaudience/
Scientific articles mentioned in this episode:
Cook CCH, Powell A, Alderson-Day B, Woods A. Hearing spiritually significant voices: A phenomenological survey and taxonomy. Med Humanit. 2022 Sep;48(3):273-284. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2020-012021. Epub 2020 Dec 7.
Powell, A. J., & Moseley, P. (2020). When spirits speak: absorption, attribution, and identity among spiritualists who report “clairaudient” voice experiences. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 23(10), 841–856. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2020.1793310