Curious Explorers
What’s haunting the Paranormal Museum in Asbury Park ?
Are orbs ghostly phenomena or mere camera artifacts?
Can what we do in the future influence the past?
How are precognition and retrocausation connected?
Do the same psychological principles apply to both the living and the dead?
Did Abraham Lincoln foresee his own death?
Join historian Kathy Kelly, proprietress of The Paranormal Museum, and psychologist Traci Stein as they explore the evidence for - and against - a paranormal explanation for all things mysterious, historical and most of all - paranormal.
[Theme song, "The Paranormal is Real" by Leonell Cassio, used with permission.]
Curious Explorers
Controlled Remote Viewing with Sgt. Lyn Buchanan
Sgt. Lyn Buchanan, one of the original Stargate military remote viewers, sits down with Traci and discusses everything from:
-The US Government's secret spying program
-What a ninja got out of remote viewing training
-The remote viewing target that changed Lyn’s life
-The 3-letter word that’s a “four-letter” word in remote viewing
-The “real” 6th sense
-How remote viewing can change your life for the better - and worse
-Who should not take up remote viewing
-When it’s good for your psychic predictions to be wrong (and how to make that so)
-And Lyn’s new training facility and gathering place at the “Remote View Ranch,” in New Mexico.
To learn more about Lyn Buchanan and his trainings, remote viewing services, and more, visit: https://www.crviewer.com/
To learn more about and support the Remote View Ranch, visit: https://remoteviewranch.com/
Find Lyn’s book, “The Seventh Sense” on Amazon.com.
Controlled Remote Viewing Trainers (trained by Lyn Buchanan) mentioned in this episode:
Lori Williams
Colleen Marenich
Coral Carte
Paul O’Connor
Richie Mahoney
Gail Husick
Other people connected to remote viewing mentioned in this episode:
Ingo Swann
Hal Puthoff
Stephan Schwartz
Russell Targ
Pam Coronado
Researchers mentioned in this episode:
Daryl Bem, PhD
Dean Radin, PhD
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